Hoy me llego un pequeño mail en el momento preciso, esas pocas líneas me aliviaron increiblemente de todo lo que se esta viniendo como bolondrón desde hace buen tiempo y que no da señales de cuando acabara.
El e-mail con el subject ¨ANNOUNCEMENT¨ decía exactamente lo siguiente:
"Hello everyone.
We're stirring.
Please take a moment to visit our website: www.interpolnyc.com
We want to show you something.
And make sure you come back soon.
We will be posting important information and dates in the coming weeks.
Thank you.
Asi que, señores, paciencia, se viene algo grande.
We're stirring.
Please take a moment to visit our website: www.interpolnyc.com
We want to show you something.
And make sure you come back soon.
We will be posting important information and dates in the coming weeks.
Thank you.
Asi que, señores, paciencia, se viene algo grande.
♫ On that I see
show me your ways
teach me to meet my desires...with some grace
On that I fear
don´t turn away
and leave me to plead in this whole other place...what if I never break
vistuary won´t you take me
far away
far away ... ♫
cuando no, siempre con las ultimitas